Options Franchising Co.

Compare Options to Others

Population of Standard Territory

Up to 400,000

Compare size of population with cost of franchise.
Guaranteed senior population in territory

30,000 – 35,000

Compare size of senior population with cost of franchise.

Cost of Franchise


Given that Options standard territory size is 30,000 to 35,000 in senior population which is covered by the $47,500 franchise fee, most other franchisors charge a premium over and above their standard size territory, which is typically less than 35,000. Check for additional charges for territories with larger population. Ask for a territory of 30,000-35,000 seniors to be able to properly compare fees.

Royalty fees


Frequency of royalty debits


If bi-weekly, calculate the additional royalty fee you will pay in comparison with monthly debits.
Revenue based on

Paid Invoices

If based on issued but non-paid invoices, calculate additional fee you will be paying on A/Rs and bad debts.
Marketing fees


Frequency of Marketing debits


If bi-weekly, calculate the additional royalty fee you will pay in comparison with monthly debits.
Do you provide any incentives for new franchises?


Not all franchisors do.
If yes, what are these incentives?


To assist you with your start-up, ongoing fees (revenue royalty, marketing royalty, and technology fee) are waived for the first two months from the date of completing the 5-day Initial Training. Alternatively the franchisee may choose to be charged royalties for these first two months and receive $3,000 in cash ($1,500/month for these first two months) from the franchisor.
Technology Fee


Check if this fee escalates after year one. Options fee does not escalate throughout the life of the contract.
Face-to-Face Training

1 week

Total Initial investment

$85,800 – $110,400

Unlike most other franchisors that show an initial investment covering the first 3 months of operation, our initial investment figures cover the first 6 months of operation.  As you weigh your options, confirm the duration of time other franchisors use for their initial investment figures.

Date business started


Verify that this date is the actual date when this franchisor, in its present form, started the home care business.

Number of corporately-owned outlets


A good measure to verify if franchisor truly appreciates the challenges of the franchise owner.